I like your direction. Very creative. Can you do a rendition where the "RED" and "PALM" are in a maroon/burgundy color (but the palm fronds remain in that deep red)?
Can you provide other color schemes as well? I am based out of Maryland where the state flag's colors are red, black, yellow and white (negative space).
Ok. Can you try #42 (the original) KEEP the text in same color #990000, but just change the tops of the palm fronds(swoops) to a "redder" red like #F21414?
#102...Can you make all four of the "swoops" in red but keep the text in the #99000? The two lower "swoops" would be in red and overlap the #99000 PALM text
Dalhazz thank you for all the changes so far. I think I like #42 the best with colors. BUT can you change the top two swoops: reduce the top left one slightly and hen move out slightly from the center and then have the top right one move more in towards the center of the palm tree?
Dalhazz, very nice. I like #127 but on first glance the fronds look like an apple behind the text. To eliminate this, can you add a few zig zag lines underneath the two top fronds/swoops to make them look slightly more like a palm frond? 2-3 small angles exactly like the negative space you created in the text but positive and in #99000
Dalhazz, I see what you tried to do in #150 but the zig zags need to come at the bottom of the top two fronds leaving the same negative space for the actual frond itself. It should fall behind the "D" in RED and tuck behind the top right corner of the "M" in PALM. Can you try this?
Can you take #154 and reduce the size and weight of the two top fronds? They should be smaller and thinner because they are behind the two front/ lower fronds. I would like to see them go behind the text too. The top left go slightly behind the "D" and the top right to go slightly behind the "M" thank you Dalhazz