I can make all the modifications and variations you might need. Keep in mind that a more graphic approach rather than 3D will be easier to reproduce in all you marketing efforts.
Thank. you are in the top five, I will let you know what changes are needed. thanks for the pointer on 3D. to start with, please do not use "supplying the world" phrase. Thanks
I have an idea, I was wondering if you can implement it but also give me your professional opinion on it. in #56 since your image looks like an H, can you use the image to replace the H of helix with it and create an R with the same style and replace it with the R of red. feel free to innovate as far as font size of the rest of the letters and font style. Most well known companies emphasize their name by spelling it out with a touch of a design hence the idea. Thanks
I see the new design. Thanks. Use the R in #58, make it 2 colors like the H in #56 and use them to write out the word R(image)ed H(image)elix. Red Helix Also what you can do is image R like in #58 all in Red and the rest of the word "ed" in Grey then H of helix like in #56 all in grey and the rest of the word "elix" in red. what you can do also is image R like in #58 in Red and the rest of the word "ed" in red then H of helix like in #56 all in grey and the rest of the word helix in grey. sorry to make you do all these but I am visual I have to see to imagine. Thanks