Door needs to be darker and the type below the door, I would like a black background to glass panes in the door are not my fav but not apposed to glass just not above
I've revised the doors to make them narrower. I chose double doors as to me they say elegance, but if you'd prefer to see a single door, I'm happy to oblige -- just let me know. Adjustments have been made to make the details of the door pop a bit and to set off the red against the black background more. Finally, I've replaced the font used for Realty. Please let me know your thoughts -- and request any further changes you'd like to see. Cheers!
I agree that double doors are more elegant. #19 and #20 are my favorites. I know by business cards may have a black background while any stationery will utilize the logo on white. When I print the logo the "Red Door" fades, can more weight be added to the font?
I've beefed up the script slightly here. I've added about as much weight as the font can handle without losing it's identity -- I'll do some looking for a font with a similar feel, but greater weight.
Please keep in mind, however, that the images you're printing out from here are very low resolution -- so when printed out with, say an ink jet printer on uncoated stock, there will be some bleed. A print shop with skilled staff should be able to hold the small details of the type.
Please let me know if you'd like to see any additional changes. Cheers!