#22 I like that we have green in this one, I like that the dog is involved with the lettering but not part of the letters. What is comming out of it's mouth? Can we see this one with some more color in it - perhaps depth put into the lettering? Can we add a cat?
Ok I've finally figured out that those are necks and collars - So some improvement needs to be made on that because they look like heads comming out of cans of dog/cat food LOL Can you toss out a couple different rough fonts so I can see what thos would look like? Thanks
I'd like to see a different dog or know that we can at least look at different options in the next stage - I noticed same dog on a logo design for another client on your site :)
Yes, I have used this design before, but never sold it, still trying to find him a home, lol!! I will try to make some different designs for you. Thanks.
good morning - how are revisions comming along? It's such a difficlut logo to nich I know ;) the "cute" logos I tend to "like" but they look more like a cleaning product, or toy/leash company to me more than a Raw food company.
I took a look at your website - I'm open to discussing ideas if you have some outside of what has been presented so far - I'll need a whole business identity really including website design with cart for placing orders.
I'll need the logo to be on Vehicles, Cargo Trailer, Cards, Pamphlets, Web, & Food packaging.
I'm in AZ and will be available to work with artists today until about 3:00 then I will be busy untill about 5-6pm before I can be back in communication :)
#110 I like how the dog & cat are involved with the letters now, I like that the letters have some character to them I'm sure you can do something more awsome to them though :). Can we make the Natural Pet Foods blue like before and stretch longer along the bottom to stand out a bit more?
I really like #145 pretty sure we are going to go this way - such a hard decision!
Ok professional opinion time :) What are your thoughts as far as branding goes to have a logo like this for pet food and for not having it contain any of the color red in the logo?
I can see it on T-shirts, the refrigerated trailer, cars and banners but I'm having a hard time placing it on a package of food.
If we choose to go a different direction for the Raw Food business lables - I do have other branches fo the business planned and I may want to use this for that - is it possible to purchase more than one designer's logo? We do food now but are planing also Jewlery and other natural products like toys & bedding etc. :)
I'm not sure if I should have one logo for all things or be a little bit different for the 3 different "branches" of things?
Do you think we can do something to this logo to suggest more "natural" to customers?
O.K. to answer your question about purchasing more than one logo. It's always great to get the gold in LT. It gives us designers great ranking and other potential Contest Holders see this. You can only buy one design, however designers are always willing to sell their work, this can be done privately using PayPal.
I can try to make it work better on packaging, I not sure what you are looking for in that sense, but I am sure I can make it work.
The color red is preference I guess, I can always change the color as need. If you do choose my design I can make color changes as need later on down the road when you may see things differently as your brand starts to take off. I usually don't even charge for this.
I have no problem working with you to get this just perfect. I am always available through email or even phone if you prefer. I strive to make my customer service number one. Let me know if you need anything else!
Lets see #145 with the red like in #123 but the word layout of 145 and I like the paw print on the butt :)
Nothing like pressure but as soon as I pick a logo what I really need done is trailer graphics and a website designed!
I have a 8.5x11 B&W add going into a premium for a cat show that I need to have submitted by Wed Night - is it possible to get a grayscale copy of one of the earlier drafts of the log if we do not happen to have it perfected by then to use in this one add?
I have my first large event happening on Nov 14th so that would be the branding unveiling of the final logo- could you work with me to tweek these logo guys for the different items I'd need them printed on? Do you do web design?
The packaging for my products are 2 types - treats are in clear plastic bags wtih white labels. Raw Food is in white meat chubbs (like ground game meat is packaged)
The labels for the food - I was thinking of different colors to make it easier to identify the different types of food since the bags are all white.
So do you think you want to work with a crazy meat lady haha!
lol, I can work with you, no problem. right now I am not to busy so I can get things done for you pretty quickly! I do webdesign. Do you have a domain name?
#157 I'm liking this :) It's cute but not generic cartoonish. Doesn't it just make you smile :)
Definately good for the packaging!
Lets look at Natural Pet Foods - straight in that box though.
Any ideas to take this idea further?
#156 - can we get the Natural Pet Foods to follow the curve of the Red Angel Raw with the same swoop?
and for later - the black pen on the cat's left whiskers & tail need to be thinned a bit, they lost some definition that they had earlier on. Cat & dog can be a bit larger to so that the cat snuggles with the A :)
I like the shine for web stuff and things like bumper stickers but not sure if it will wear well on some things - this shine however looks a bit off ;)
I like that we have the slogan on it now looks good! - Just a thought - waht about merging the slogan in with the leaves to make them a part of a vine? to cheesey?
FYI just so you can start thinking of ideas - for the Trailer graphic I had the idea that in the lower corner it could look like the dog and cat broke into the trailer to get the food. So a hole in the skin of the trailer and then food spilling out with the dog and cat butts sticking out of the hole or something like that
If you submit things tomorrow I'll try to get back to you with comments while I'm at work - I'll at least update ranking of versions, since that I can do easy & quick on the DL with my cell phone :)
Oh and I just realized on of my replies did not make it through - I do have a webpage google the first 3 words of the company name and it will come up. not sure if LT removed the post because of posting a website or if I just did not send it by accident :)
I need to be able to update pricing and add products easily to it.
Need a shopping cart in it and a shipping calcularot would be great to!
The trailer graphic sounds like a great idea, but you got to think about $$$ is this a start up business? I do websites and also ecommerce solutions. A shopping cart site will typically cost around $12 a month, it depends on how much your selling. If you have under 25 products. I will get you more detailed info soon! Thanks.
I'm torn between the background on #165 & #157 Can you put the darker orange from 157 on the beams in #165?
I like the Natural Pet Foods and new leafs
Lets try a little larger font on the slogan perhaps- or different font?
Any ideas of your own for this?
#156 can we still see this with the "Natural Pet Foods" along the same curve as the Red Angel Raw and with it straight to please.
Thanks! Busy day here at the dental office! Sooo tired.............................
As for business - Start up but not from scratch, I've been operating nearly 4 years as a co-op so have a built up clientel already. I opperate out of my home so have low overhead - now it's all about advertizing and branding to broaden the base I have already established for the business :) Business is pretty good considering the website I've been dealing with, that until recently it's been just me doing all the work (with a full time job) and NO advertising other than word of mouth and internet chat groups :))