We are generally trying to convey Trustworthiness, Reliability, and Intelligence.
#70 I like the fact that this is wordmark style (little or no extra graphical element). And, I like the fact that the font is bold and solid looking, but it doesn't seem quite classic enough to fit a hedge fund. I wonder if the font might be changed, or the form of one (or more) of the letters might be changed, or the "underlining" element might be changed, to better convey our key ideas of Trustworthiness, Reliability, and Intelligence.
#71 We are trying to stay away from a logo that has this much of it's area taken up by a graphical element.
PS When I move #71 into the "not interesting" basket that is my way of keeping track of which ones I've given feedback on (I don't see another way to do that within the site). Please don't let that turn you off of this project.