Congratulations on being one of our top five. We've appreciated the effort and wonderful designs you've produced so far.
As we look at all the submissions across our top five, our main thought is the font selection and/or letter forms may not be as simple/classic as is appropriate for a hedge fund. Below are logos from three existing funds that we think capture this simple/classic look and feel, but we are open to other ideas you might have.
* Carlyle.* SAC.* AQR Capital. feedback:
Of your new designs (#116, 117 & 118), #117 seems to move #85 most toward our target. I wonder what changes to #117 might be made to move it even more toward our target. Also, perhaps the width of the whole logo (which seemed very well proportioned for the wide font in #85) is too wide for the narrower font in #117, and the logo should be made more narrow? Perhaps some other change would be more appropriate?
Separately, might the gray tone used for the underline and the word "Capital" be too light? Might it be interesting to see how the whole logo looks with a bit darker gray?