The golf flag, the boy playing or the grass in the green. Dont what else to change but just don't care for this one. So sorry. I know your working hard and love your designs but this one doesn't work.
1. Don't care for the kids just being red, can we make them look real and have some detail?
2. The Green area doesn't do the logo justice. Can we make that into a putting green.
3. Love the golf cup for the "o" can we put a golf flag into it?
4. sorry for all the changes but just trying to get it exactly the way we want and don't really know what that really is but were making progress
Like this. Don't know if I about the shape of the logo maybe incorporate a baseball diamond or basketball/tennis court as the outlined logo shape. Wonder if we can add other sports to be represented some how. Golf,basketball,baseball. Who knows. But like this direction so far the best. Thanks for your hard work on it.
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The golf flag, the boy playing or the grass in the green. Dont what else to change but just don't care for this one. So sorry. I know your working hard and love your designs but this one doesn't work.
Thank you
Thank you so much for your feedback
No worries for all the changes, I hope I can design get what you want.
Thank you
Kind regards, Stella
1. Don't care for the kids just being red, can we make them look real and have some detail?
2. The Green area doesn't do the logo justice. Can we make that into a putting green.
3. Love the golf cup for the "o" can we put a golf flag into it?
4. sorry for all the changes but just trying to get it exactly the way we want and don't really know what that really is but were making progress
Thank you
1. Some definition of the green area to include a defined golf cup? Doesnt have to be big.
2. Make the bottom triangle where basket net is a shape of a baseball homeplate.
3. Have a different basketball net with more definition.
4. The kids at top. I like but maybe to big and awkwardly position. Anything else?
5. Not crazy about the court in the middle.
6. We need to incorporate our slogan" We Build Fun
See the inspiration logos I picked especially the donut one. How it has a more detailed and cartoonish look. Thanks
Thank you for your feedback
Kindly review new update #48
Thank you,
Kind regards, Stella