We like the general concept of the Interstate / Route 66 sign.
The "Eclectica" font is a bit hard to read the "E". But keep with the vintage font ideas.
Can you make the sign pop a bit more - maybe make the border of the sign and stars look like a silver or chrome color / texture? I like the "Boutique" idea at the top, but can you find a way to include the expanded tag line "A Modern Vintage Boutique"?
Hi Jason, Thank you for the ranking & feedback. Here is the revised logo, please let me know if you would like to see any other changes. Thanks again, Don
Hi Don, I appreciate the retro space-age sign concept in #44. I like also that it is a new concept for this contest so far. I am having a hard time verbalizing what I don't like about it. The only way I can think to describe it is to say that it looks "flat". It also doesn't have much of a rustic or worn aspect to it at all.
Maybe there is something you can do to spruce-it-up a bit?
We just saw #63 and my wife and I were both a bit wowed. We liked that it has that vintage Vegas vibe, it has the vintage color scheme, and it is easy to read.
One thing that we noticed, though is that it looks a bit squashed vertically. Can you change the scale a bit so that it is taller and more square-like (does not have to be completely square)?
Also, I am not sure what it is, but the oval shape for the tagline seems not to fit for me - I wish I could be more descriptive, but having a problem verbalizing it.
Thanks for the latest feedback. Here is the revised design, a little more height & I changed the oval to a 'ribbon' shape. Please let me know if you would like to see any other changes.