Hello, thank you for your designs. We like your newest design, #67. Could you please submit some variations of this design? Not sure if we like the price tag around CITY. Could try one without it. I like the building for the I in city but could you make it stand out more. Make it a taller skyscraper type of building in black so it stands out. Then play with different colors for the "rebate" and the "c t y".
#79 - I like the best. Could I see what this one would look like if the C T Y were a magenta color (purple-pink) and the building was the same color blue as "rebate"?
I really like them! Waiting on feedback from the rest of my team. I was wondering what it would look like if you spelled out "Rebate" like that or all lower case instead of all caps and then left CITY the way it is in all caps.
Thanks! The team would love to see some examples of a shopping bag as the I in city rather than the building just to have a comparison. If that doesn't work maybe the shopping bag next to the name?
Hi, here are the designs with a shopping bag next to the name. But I really sorry that I can't do the one with a shopping bag as the "i" because another designer already did that before me, so based on LogoTournament rules, I can't copy that concept. I hope you understand.
Thank you! I really like #105. Could you show that one without the building? Keep the R as the shopping bag in pink. Make the rest of the letters lowercase and all blue. Or try one where the "city" is green. I like the shopping bag in pink though.
Hello, Just wondering if you will be able to make some revisions to #105 today? We only have less than a day left in the contest and I want to make sure we consider all designs and I really like your Shopping bag "R" concept. Looking forward to seeing more! Thank you.
Hi, can I ask you a question, did you ask designer musicalryo to put a shopping bag as the "i" or that idea is originaly came from him? Because if that idea (shopping bag as the "i") came from you, I will be able to incorporate that idea to my design.