We also discussed a little more, and are concerned the gradient makes it looks like if it were ink on paper, that it just printed poorly. Is there another way to express that buildup?
Hi Pixelgeometry,
We like the direction you're going in, but we're trying to stay away from any figures in our logo. Is there something else you can think of to suggest the path to getting better?
I like the idea of the movement into recover b/c it shows it is a process. Could we see this via a gradation from something light into something dark/solid? Also, Ready and Recover should be different colors. Could we see the box in different colors? And thank you, this is interesting.
The bandaid on the R is clever and so is the X. We're trying to stay away from the uplifted arm motif though. Too common. Also don't love the green. Is there a way to make the bandaid more prominent. At small sizes people might not see it.
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We like the direction you're going in, but we're trying to stay away from any figures in our logo. Is there something else you can think of to suggest the path to getting better?
This entry with fresh colors and more clear bandage.