Thanks so much for your ideas on this. We are still having trouble finding exactly what we are looking for. Below is a little more info on the company, maybe this will help you come up with some ideas. _This is the first online education company of it's kind. Up until now, people had to travel to take these courses in a classroom (pay for hotels, food, gas, etc.). -The president of the company originally had the idea of a dagger stabbing a text book, with sort of bullet ridden letters RTS. This was way too out there for the corporate investors. But the president is not happy with too simple corporate designs. I have been trying to find a happy middle for them :) They do like the incorporation of the red cross. -The "Training E-Volved" tag line is meant to describe the transition from the classroom to the computer.
These are a little too far for our investors. I think we would like to stay away from the camo and bullets. This is what they vetoed on us in the beginning. Overall I think we are looking for something more complicated. Maybe even something in an emblem style, or more of a letterform mark?
Hi- We like what you are doing with #67 and #76. Could you try and do a version that has a little more 3-Dimensional look to it? We would like to see a little more going on, not so flat. Similar to some of the other entries we have. Thanks!