But the arrows working in a continuous circle look cool, but don't quite convey our core message. In the original logo, the black arrows that point down represent pollutants and inefficencies and they are "overcome" by the green arrows that point up (rcleanr, enewable energy sources).
So perhaps you can experiment some more. Remember, this logo represents an area where hundreds of organizations are coming together to fight for renewable energy. So collaboration is a theme you might want to explore.
Asti, The red and black arrows are suppose to have negative connotations. While the green and blue arrows are suppose to have positive connotations. So having them circle together is a little confusing.
Asti, #54 and #19 are liked by many but there is a feeling that the font used is a "little cold". Can you experiment with the font to make it more inviting.
#21 is liked as well, but again the font feels a little cold.
Hi Asti, Right now, there is a growing concensus around #100. Here are some additional tweaks: it would appear that something is cutting off the right edges of your arrows. It appears like the edges are cut off by a straight line. Could you fix the arrows. Round their edges.
Also, while the updated type font on this design is better than earlier entries like #20, it would still be nice to see some additional variations.
hi -thanks for feedback - the arrows are drawed from scratch - now i corrected the arrow head with perfect circle elements . maybe it's from site compression of the image.
#155 Thanks for the variations. Could you experiment on this one with the arrows again. Could you make the arrows now "curl up" so much? Meaning the points of the arrows should point more toward 2 oclock on a clock versus point straight up?