Hi there, Here are my logo comps. I kept them to very clean lines as I noticed that you mention embroidery (these will not give you any issue). I also did version of these in just black and whites and in greyscale. Because I am new at this site, I initially included the B&W and one color version here on the same entry as the individual color comp. I had not realized that we are not allowed to put multiple illustration on the same sheet, so I had to remove them, so I'll only present these for know. Any feedback is very welcome. Thank you.
Can you please provide feedback. I have been designing using the lowest (most course) printing stated in your comments, embroidery. Should I move in a different direction? I see you favor designs which cannot be embroidered (my wife runs an Advertising Speciality company i.e. shirts, pens... and I have my own design & print brokering firm). Also, should we need to design around keeping printing cost down or should that not be an issue? Please let me know. Thank you.
I have incorporated the Longhorn in subtle ways, as either blended into the horses or as a decorative border. My biggest issue is that the mascot is just close enough to have someone ask "what does a bull have to do with equestrian?". Had the school been the RBV Spartans or Cougars, it would be much more obvious that it was the school mascot and have nothing to do with equestrian so I am trying to downplay the Longhorn. Thanks
Thanks for all of your designs. I like the single head logo's best and I like the horse who is jumping. I like how the longhorn is small but still representing the school.
The last few I submitted are basically mix-n-matches of some of the other comps submitted earlier. Bare in mind these are not completely set in stone so, feel free to ask for modification. Thanks and have a happy Easter.