#20 & #21 are great. We like the oval emblem. Can you try a few things around this logo treatment? Try to add depth to the emblem. Try different colors. Try emphasis on the Rally or R in emblem.
#20, #21 Can you try a different font (for the RB) in the emblem. Stay w/ the oval. Try different colors or treatments.
#31 Like the use of colors but these aren't working. It looks like a motorcycle shop logo. Keep pushing the colors and fonts.
#32 The silver accent works, I like the overall shape, but not sure what the points outside the circle are about (though they look okay). Lettermark feels forced.
#33 Shape is a little like a guitar pick. Would be interesting to see another accent color involved here as well.
We will be setting the color of our website based upon our logo design.
We like #46 - #48. Prefer #46. The antique and the colors seems to flow nicely.
On #46 - can you make them like #20 & #21? Separate the name and the emblem. Try a similar but different script - would be great to see variations. Can you emphasis the rally in rallyboom?
Number 46 and 88 are really great. We would like a different font. The r is difficult to read so we were hoping you had some other, retro inspired font ideas. Also, could you try making the light blue part of the ring a bit smaller and the dark blue interior ring a bit bigger. Thanks!
Can you take a stab at #20 again but w/ different font in the emblem? the clean name and logo is interesting but the RB don't work for us.
I like #111 & #114 of the new ones. The r in #114 seems sickly as the drip of the end of the R like a running nose. It is just odd. Can you explore a different font or treatment of the r? Can you also flip the colors in these so navy is the highlight and blue is behind the R.
On #111, the R seems to be leaning backward (I think it is that the leg sticks out farther than the top). I want to capture forward motion and worry that this may miss that a bit.
Can you also take a look at #90? We really like the font but the r starts out really high and looks ackward. Any way to fix that. Can you also reverse the colors on rallyboom so that rally is emphasized?
#137 is the rework for #111 background . and for this issue of R, i can treatment or explore but not change the character of font, cause if i move forward the leg of R, i think it will change all of character font for adjustment with R in the emblem. hope you understanding.
136 is great. Could you drop the tagline to be just Share Smarter please. The oval, it's shading and colors are perfect. The R is not quite working. The clipped bottom of the R is a little distracting, could we try it in a different font? Not sure how this would look but maybe thicker/outlined versions of something similar to these: http://www.fontdiner.com/main.html The Country Fair: chicken basket R.. a little thicker feel. Cocktail Script. In-Flight: Refreshment stand, thicker. TV Dinner: Singlesville font.
We like the share smarter on 167 but could you explore cursive script with retro feel for the share smarter as well. 135 could you keep the design the same... just have oval to the left and slanted RallyBoom to the right please.
really like the logos and designs you have done. we haven't ranked them yet but you gave us some great options. 190 & 187 really rise to the top for us but we are looking at everything and getting more feedback.
Couple requests - 1) 190 in a horizontal treatment helps us evaluate it 2) Would like your opinion if a color on "Share Smarter" would add some depth to the logo? We were thinking a red or crimson or gold. You can tell us what you think before doing edits. The color combination of a navy, light blue & gold accent is a interesting combination (San Diego Charger colors) 3) Our website has a horizontal stripe on the top that is a Red (E22626) with white background and action buttons (sign up) in a browser rendered blue gradient from(#42AAFF), to(#036). a) do you think your colors will look good on that red stripe? Seeing a logo on a red background would be very helpful (or a transparent background so we can try different colors). b) would you recommend different colors in our logo to fit c) would you recommend different colors for the red (like the navy in the logo)
Thanks much for all your efforts. We appreciate it and sticking with us through the judging phase!
1) i think the horizontal treatment for 190 is still nice. depen on your website style. 2) i think they will work, but need some touch at the logo color too so it will make balance. and i think i like the navy, light blue & gold, than red. if you wanna some red touch you don't need light blue, you can change it with gray as option, like gray in #187.
3.a) i think it will work if the background is white. but I doubt if the red as background cause we have navy here, i'm afraid the navy will sink on red. b and c ) yes sure i'll recommend different colors or red as your rewquest.
Our new website is up temporarily. Please take a look and adjust #135 as you see fit (we can adjust the colors to fit your design). Also, feel free to add any new design you think would work better. The website is very simple so a logo with exciting color and design would be great. Thanks. www.dhyasama.com