Hi Sir! Thanks for the feedback, Will work on that background for "K" and submit it sooner. Actually your feedbacks will help me to serve you my best. So feel free to ask if you need any changes.
Could you submit a design like #2 but without the "badge" outline - maybe with no lines around it. I like the lines above the Rafter and Ranch - (the left to right lines).
Hi Sir! I have update the alternative revision for your consideration based on your feedback, Hope you like it, Feel free to ask if you need any changes.
Would you also consider submitting one like #60 with the letters "enhanced" - like beveled or something along that line - you could also submit one with "flourishes". Sorry, I don't know designer tech talk.
Hi Sir! I have update some new alternative revision for your consideration including some flourish version ( without making tacky ), Hope you like it , Feel free to ask if you need any changes, Your feedback will help me to serve you my best.
Hi Sir! I have update the alternative revision for entry #80 and #86 (beveled and single lines ).Hope you like it! Feel free to ask if you need any changes, Your feedback will help me to serve you my best.
Yes, thank you for the single line revision. We are looking at it closely. The #105 has more of a shadow effect to us than a beveled look. Will try to find an example that you can look at. Will post a dot com with an example.
Hi Sir! Thanks for the feedback, the entry all are beveled effect with point 1 ..will do the detailed beveled effect and submit it sooner, if you have any reference will be a great help.
Hi Sir! I have update the detailed beveled "K" logo in alternative revision as per your feedback, including stand alone mark of beveled "K" in white and red background for your reference, Hope you like it to.Your feedback will help me to serve you my best.
Thank you for all the revisions and responding to "tweeks". This is really getting tense. We still really like your number 63 and also 110. If this logo is the winning one, will we be able to get you to give color variations to the logo or is that something we have to do later? I was thinking of a ruby red/dark maroon combination. If this something we can do later please don't spend time now. Thank you so much. :)
Hi Sir! Thanks for the feedback and encouragements, All the effects can be done outside too if my design was selected for your brand , & yes will give you the glossy 3D effect too if you want ,
& plz sir avoid similar entries from other designers ,coz the outside shape is close to my design layout #45.
Let me know if you need anything else, will do it for you.
Hi Sir! Thanks for the feedback, Glad you like it, will submit the maroon/dark red version sooner. Feel free to ask if you need any changes, Your feedback will help me to serve you my best.
I see what you mean on the your #45 entry being similar to another designer's entry. I actually think they look totally different. I want you to know I have followed the rules and not made suggestions to cause a designer to make work like yours. Our limitations on what we have to have in the logo may be generating that.
Hi Sir! Thanks for the feedback! just protecting my designs, & I have uploaded some new alternative heavy metallic effect logo variation of entry #61 , Hope you like the BOLD effect, Feel free to ask if you need any changes, Your feedback will help me to serve you my best.
#61 has two different colors. Many of your submissions (137, 138, 139, 140) look really, really similar. Can you give me the differences in case I am missing a design element? I have ranked your #124 - like the red. Is the banner in #63 a darker color than the oval color? Like the color difference. This design is so appealing because it would lend itself to media other than print or web and it's beautiful.
Hi Sir! Network problem here, about entry #123 and #125 is slight different of color gradiations of oval and banner colors with or without drop shadow to give effect, and same with the entries#137 to #140 ( slight color mix from 5% to 20% ).
And yes the the oval color and the banner color is slightly different mix of colors to add grit, & about entry #141 to #146 is different mixture of gold in differnent mix of backgrounds( small differences of shining the metallic effect. Feel free to ask if you have any doubt or you need any changes.
And yes the the oval color and the banner color is slightly different mix of colors to add grit, & about entry #141 to #146 is different mixture of gold in differnent mix of backgrounds( small differences of shining the metallic effect. Feel free to ask if you have any doubt or you need any changes.
Hi sir! Thanks for the feedback! 110 is slightly beveled and 61 is plain ..but both are single color form & the oval is mixture of black and red color.
Hi Sir! Thanks for the feedback, I have update the revision for #124 , Hope you like it too, Feel free to ask if you need anything, will do that for you.
Yours entries are very beautiful and we love the inclusion of the Montgomery, Texas as part of the logo. As the contest is winding down, any last minute ideas you might like to enter on getting the letters to "pop" on#172 or #169 ?
Hi Sir! I have uploaded the fine tuned alternative revision for your consideration! kindly check Entry #183 for sharpness of text effect in a plain dark red background, & its the same effect of text used in all new entries.
Entry #182 : plain dark red background + oval and banner with same effect as #183
Entry #184 : plain dark red background + same effect as #183 with oval and banner as in entry #169
Entry #185 : plain dark red background + same effect as #183 with oval and banner as in entry #172
Entry #186 : white background + same effect as #183 with oval and banner as in entry #172
Entry #187 : white background + same effect as #183 with oval and banner as in entry #169
Hope you like the fine sharp tuning. Let me know if you need any thing else.
I need to ask a question. I think I am not asking for an design element or concept from another designer and if I am please correct me - the very sharp shadow and background "effect" of the 2nd place entry is appealing. Is it within the contest bounds to ask you to submit an entry with that "effect"?
Hi Sir! Thanks for the feedback, yes I can do that within the guidelines, ( In between he copied my design sir )
P.S - I don't use any drop shadow effect for text inside because its create problem for printing in different materials, so I used solid colors and solid gradients. Will submit that too sooner.