we like #8 but the R K need to be lifted to make it easy to read. and if we could get some red in it somewhere or chequer plate aluminium or diamond plate aluminium
hey is there any chance of getting something that isn't a circle but has some flat sides or the writing comes out or something ? but really like the colours and design so far
Would you be able to change shape of logo away from round and have something like a steel beam with r & k stone in it and a chain lifting the beam than a man welding on top of beam of something along those lines just want to see some that arnt round thanks
we really like #47 is other shapes you could do we are going to put our phone number on it for the truck stickers so if you could put it into some to try that would be great and if we like it we can use it then take the phone number out for the tee shirts. phone number (0423072954) prefer phone number below in clear writing thanks ketut
thanks they look great . #42 could you flip the shape over to make more like a house frame but keep that 3D effect with writing and put phone under again thanks kutut they are looking great
Thanks for all the great designs ketut we are pretty sure we are going with #57 but could you take out the part that says phone and centre the number up . And we are wanting to get shirts made so wen we receive final files would you be able to send the same logo without the number so we can use on shirts and use the ones with numbers as large stickers and will you send these in high quality so we can get bigger logos done ? Thanks for all your help
Thanks for your feedback, for file you will get vector file (eps) file format, also high quality logo too and jpeg file also you will get other file format base on your needs feel free to contact to get it.