I like the use of dimension and angles in #2 but prefer #3 overall. The green block in #3 may be confusing to the customer as the Quoin itself is sold primarily in white with optional colors being gray, beige, off white, tan, etc. The comma needs to be removed after Siding.
#31: Hi. The partners are liking this one. Can you change the background color behind the "Q" in #31 to the background color you used in #3? thanks a bunch!
Revised #31 Needed: No, please use the fill color (light brown) behind the Q in #3 in place of the fill color behind the Q in #31 (beige). I think the darker color will make the Q pop more against the white quoin on either side. thanks.
Thank you. You did exactly what I asked for but now the Q is not showing up enough. I don't want to ruin the look..maybe lighten up the darker background shades a little in #79-82 so there is a contrast but the Q pops? Your thoughts?
#31 and #3: Hi! My partners really like this design. Can you add more depth in the quoin on both sides of the Q...maybe use some subtle shading. Thank you!
#107 and 108: Not exactly. Sorry I probably explained it wrong. Back to #31 and #3 quoin on both sides of Q need to look dimensional vs. flat. Maybe add shading to lines in between?
125: I like the new perspectives! Can you make the quoin same size (block not rectangle on both sides) then continue with the sidin color down the left side? Make the quoin light, keep the Q background color the same. I like the white Q but You may need to change the color so it contrasts witht the light quoin.
125: Additional comments. the Siding color you continue with down the left side should be the same as the Q background fill color. Is it also possible to add shading on the lines between the quoin to show more character dimension to the quoin? Thanks sooo much.
My apologies. I am having a hard time describing the shading and dimension I want without referring another illustration.
Use #129: The size of quoin block is the correct size. Change the quoin block color to white and add a little darker shading between the quoin block to give it dimension. add a thin green outline to the white Q to breakup the white quoin block and white Q.