Hi! Sure, I can work on variations tomorrow night (in about 18 hours or so). I can work this mark so that it will look good in a solid color by cutting out the space between the strokes in the spiral. After that, I'll show you 5 or 6 different fonts. In the mean time, can you tell me if you like any of the fonts I've used in any other designs? There are thousands of fonts, and I've been trying to pick fonts that are bold, easy to read, and masculine. If you have ever seen any fonts in images (e.g., posters, logos, web sites, etc.) that you really like, and you have the time and the inclination, you can send me links to those either here or by private message (click above to view my profile and you can PM me from there). It always helps to see other fonts you like -- I'll look for similar characteristics. If you can't provide examples, no worries. I'm sure I'll find something.
Also, I watched some videos of you guys on the web, and WOW! You guys are spectacular!