Hello, i'm hoping you're stilling willing to work with me on this. I Love the Q in the middle. I have seen how the L at the bottom plays out and i like it on your other look better (just how the bottom part of the L fans out). That portion I will like to incorporate in this look. The arrows and ladder in the middle is perfect. The outer shape can be a shield instead of this hexagon. Do a little art decor please and change the Font on the quantumleap. I will clearly like to see Q and L in bigger and fancy font than the rest of the letters in that line. You did the M very nicely before, maybe add that little detail to the L and Q instead. Instead of a line in est 2020, put an art design. Preferably something like the display logo (Not exact but something in that family). The writing can have royal blue and white or mixture of any colors. We already have enough gold
I love this Q. Is it possible to mix up the colors like you did in 222 in this one and do the L shape at the bottom? I love the Q very much in the middle and let that outer shape be a shield shape. Please and thank you
I still love the middle part of this Q. From the modified version that you did, i understand you're trying to fit the L in the ladder. The Longest part of the ladder can double down as the L and finish it as the arrow. The shape on the outside needs to be changed too. Please refer to the logo that i shared for the preferred outer shape. I am trying to portray quantum particles leaping. The ladder portrays the growth and security. You can figure out how to probably add a little tiny particle. It is coming out really good.
This is awesome. Let's fix that ladder as well. The middle part should not be higher than the last. I'm trying to send a message of growth in that ladder. The arrow will indicate the growth as well
wow!! Awesome. Let's not forget that QuantumLeap is one word please. I love the uniqueness but i also think you didn't get that ladder concept. The arrow should be the cut off. I am trying to display growth. A little art at the bottom would be nice too
It's coming out pretty good. I don't like that the ladder extends past the arrow. I love the boldness of the gold color. If we had to add royal blue and teal, i'm sure it will blend well. I'd also like QL in quantum leap to be dramatiic. I don't very much like the font. Please see my font of preference in my general comments
I love this. Please let's add color. It seems like it's mostly gold. The blend of gold blue and turquoise will be great. Let's see if a hexagon around the Q and L will work
This is much better. The ladder needs to show growth. please the line above the ladder should have an arrow at the tip and the ladder should not go past the line. I love the Q. Is there a way you can see a Q and an L in this shape and then have it in a clipart such as a hexagon or... something nice please
I love how simple and classic this is. On the "QuantumLeap", emphasis is on the "Q" and L. So we can make that very visible in the writing. And it's a financial leadership development. That too should be added and we can also get an art around the QL symbol in the middle. I love how that is displayed
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