Thank you, I already upload the final design, please have a look, download and approve them. If you have any minor edits you want, just let me know, I'll send you the revision via email after the approval of winning design.
Looking good! I will select this one as the winner, and loop around with my bosses and see if any final minor edits are needed. I appreciate your time on this, very much enjoy the design you have created.
For sure like the excavator, thank you. Still not in love with the train. Is it possible to see what a dozer would look like in there instead of the train? Also for the tractor truck could you perhaps use a track with an end dump bed on it, just a typical dump truck. Sorry to be a bother, very close to finalizing the selection, and intend to use your design just trying a couple tweaks to see what we like best. Thanks for you time and effort!
Very much like this design. conferring with my bosses but looking like this will likely be our selection. Two other thoughts: not in love with the paver, perhaps an excavator would look better instead. And for the train it looks like a passenger train, could you edit to a more freight train look? Thank you much for your efforts thus far, looking good!
Can we add an S to the end to make it QAPpenings? Really like the plane truck and train, do you know what a rotomill or paving machine would look like? Incorporation of one or both of those would be sweet if possible. Also a roadway has been used in other designs, that we really enjoy, is that possible to incorporate here? Thanks.
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