Wow Love how it looks with the key over lapped and it looks really cool in red too! Thank you for all your help. My name is Oliver earlier you were talking with may partner Melissa. By comparing everything that you have sent over could you use the same shape of 139 and maybe come a bit closer to the colors of 139 as well? The shadowing is as I imagined it just not as extreme on the contrast between light and dark. Thank you so much!!! We are almost there!
Looking Good!! Could you close the gap on the Q underneath the key? Maybe try it once with Q completely closed and the key over lapping and another with just a smaller opening under the key. The way it sits now it kind of looks like a picture of a key has overlapped a pic of the O. It just caught my eye. Its because the Key lines up with the edge of the circle on the bottom. Also, just out of curiosity could you try the final out in a sexy red? We Love the Blue but was just curious of what it would look like in red. Thank you so much!! As for the coloring for the blue and everything else, we are spot on!
I just want you to know that we have chosen you for our logo design :) Thank you for all your work. Also if you see different speech patterns from the comments my partner is the one messaging you back. He has the art major and loves to go into the fine details. Thank you!
Could you use the key from #134? I think I like the shadowing on the bottom side of the key. Also could you use the same coloring as you did on #139. I like how it contrast from where the light hits on the top of the Q and darkens on the bottom. It makes the Q pop more. Thank you!
Correct. The logo is still be worked on so all the fine tuning and flattening that needs to be done hasnt been done yet. Thats why you get that slight grainy look with gradients in these pictures. But you will recieve 100% finished files and they will look excellent
The grainyness comes from turning the file into a smaller picture and the display of what youre viewing it on. I cant do anything about the HD. But everything else I can get to work on
Can we make the base of the key less flat? Also looking at the interior of the big Q, the right interior side looks a bit unbalanced. Could you adjust? also could you make everything more HD? When we pull it up it is looking a bit grainy. Thank you so much!
Yes. The key on this one looks a bit flat compared to some of the other keys that you have sent over. Also If you could send the Q from 131 and maybe find other Qs that are similar to 131 that would be great! We like the placement of where the line on the Q is on 137 but like the style of the line of 131. Thank you!
One more thing, can we make the Big Q with the key more 3 dimensional & we like the thicker front from #132. Again thank you for all of your hard work!
I like this one so much better! Can the Q be bigger so that it is even with the R in Realty? And maybe a Q with a little more straight line through it? Thank you!!!!
Love the Realty it looks great! Can we play with a different font possibly to get one that looks more like a Q with the line through it? Sorry for all the back and forth, everyone on the team has an opinion. Thank you again!
Love this one! Can we change the gradient on the word Realty so it is slightly easier to read from afar & use a different font for the letter Q so that it looks more true to the letter? Again this one is amazing!
Thank you so much these are wonderful! After hearing some feedback from clients is there a way to make the key smaller or thinner for this one & # 70? Also could it have a handle that isn't a circle? Thank you so much again!
Could you try it with the Q above the realty and the NW under the Realty but in very small font? And then underline the word Realty to the left and to the right of the NW? If you could try this with both #61 and #12 that would be great! Also For # 12 and #61, could you try another design and keep the Q Realty as is and then place the NW under the Y in very small font. Then underline Realty to the left of NW. I would like to have the QRealty stand out the most and the NW as small as can be so that the Q Realty really pops! Thank you for your help.
I think these 2 are wonderful! My only feedback would be is if there is a way to make the NW less prominent or smaller, and maybe making the Q a little thicker or pronounced so that is could stand alone if needed & people would still know it's a Q . Thank you so much for all of your hard work & you are definitely one of our front runners!
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