With all due respect, I can`t use a keywhole or a key as the swoosh of the Q and please let me explain why:
If you would have specified in the brief (from the beginning of your contest), that you want a key hole into the Q and that the swoosh of the Q should be a key, then this concept would have been a fair game for everyone.
But since SeanEstrada (who I currently ranked 1st) was the first designer who used these concepts, according to the rules of this site, he is the only one who owns the right to use these concepts.
The rules are pretty clear for us, the designers:
- "Never copy other Designer's artwork or ideas."
- "If a Client asks you to copy another Designer's idea and that idea is not in the brief or comments before, do not submit."
Also, a rule for you, the client, clearly says:
"Please don't ask Designers to copy the concepts or design elements of fellow Designers."
Knowing all of the above, I don`t want to get into trouble. From everything you`ve requested, the only thing I can do without breaking the rules is to color the Q in red.
I have only a curiosity: If I would have put the keuhole in the Q and the swoosh of the Q as a key, my design would have looked exactly like the 1st ranked design. Why would you like a second designer to do the same thing Sean Estrada has already did? You will end up having the same design from 2 different designers. Why would you like to have 2 similar designs?
Thank you for understanding my position and, if you have further questions about this topic, please contact admin.
Can we do this one in red like you did it in blue for #106 We are torn on colors because they both look so wonderful. Also can we try both colors with maybe a key whole instead of the windows just so we can see which one we like better & possibly the swoosh on the Q as a key? Thank you so much for all of your hard work, these are beyond fabulous!
Thank you! Would live to see it in a modern blue without the dark background & possibly with the NW less prominent maybe with a line underneath realty and NW off the the side? Thank you again for your wonderful design!
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Thank you for understanding how things are working here.
All the best.
If you would have specified in the brief (from the beginning of your contest), that you want a key hole into the Q and that the swoosh of the Q should be a key, then this concept would have been a fair game for everyone.
But since SeanEstrada (who I currently ranked 1st) was the first designer who used these concepts, according to the rules of this site, he is the only one who owns the right to use these concepts.
The rules are pretty clear for us, the designers:
- "Never copy other Designer's artwork or ideas."
- "If a Client asks you to copy another Designer's idea and that idea is not in the brief or comments before, do not submit."
Also, a rule for you, the client, clearly says:
"Please don't ask Designers to copy the concepts or design elements of fellow Designers."
Knowing all of the above, I don`t want to get into trouble. From everything you`ve requested, the only thing I can do without breaking the rules is to color the Q in red.
I have only a curiosity: If I would have put the keuhole in the Q and the swoosh of the Q as a key, my design would have looked exactly like the 1st ranked design. Why would you like a second designer to do the same thing Sean Estrada has already did? You will end up having the same design from 2 different designers. Why would you like to have 2 similar designs?
Thank you for understanding my position and, if you have further questions about this topic, please contact admin.
Here are the revised versions.
Thank you.