I placed tower bridge above TY, as requested. I was thinking about BIG BEN, but it is a wonderful piece of architecture, and it is very difficult to simplify. That is why I went with Tower Bridge. I hope you like it.
I like entry 17 the best. - liking the bubble effect. I am not sure that purple and blue colours go together. Can we be dfferent and try .. say red and white, or green and white? Also spell the word Limited instead of Ltd.
What wouldn't I give to see towerbridge live... but, only in the books and encyclopydias for now. :) Maybe one day. Now I will try to do my best and make the best logo for your business.
Well, I must confess, the logo is a bit busy. But I have seen and made logos /you can see in my portfolio/ , that have three times more elements. If you don't like it, then this is enough. :)
The truth is, that if you want clean, free of elements logo, you must choose between London icon, or IT icon. If you want them both, you will have to compromise.
From my point of view, the PY letters stand-out the most, then the eye catches the bridge, then the pointer. This is with this composition. Unfortunatelly this is the only way /other than the ways I made/ that can combine all those elements.
I agree with you - the London icon is too much, and we should keep with the IT icon. I iike the PY in a computer screen - simple yet effective.
Could you add the words 'IT Solutions' under the screen, but in a larger font so it stands out? The logo then tells people exactly what we do - both visually with the screen and in the text.
No problem, I love to design, especially when the contest holder is professional and correct.
I will add IT Solutions right away, but should I keep Consulting Limited, or should I remove it? I will try it both ways, you will then decide what is best for you.
Hi, I see you no longer prefer my design. That is fine of course, but I would love if you tell me what exactly made you change your opinion. This can help me improve my designs, and eventually, will help me come up with the best logo for you.
In the end, of course, to give feedback and information is your decision, I don't want you to feel obligated about anything.
I will be very happy if you leave any kind of feedback, something to guide me what do you and don't you like. Do you still want anything that is connected with the IT business, or you just want interpretation of the letter PY?
Anything you want to see edited in my designs, colors you want to explore, flaws in the designs, advantages and etc.
Thank you very much, your evaluation means a lot to me!!! I want to ask you, if you decide to make me the winner of the contest. When the contest enters judging mode - don't leave all my entries on the top spots. I mean, that others want to receive some kind of prize for their work also - that is why it is important to choose three different designerns for the three different spots - they will receive points that will help them in our designing community.
Dear CH, I wanted to inform you, that only the designer ranked on first place can upload designs after the contest has ended. So, If you want to see my design refined and changed, please let me know, so I can ask a moderator how to proceed.