with entry #14 are you able to do the following: 1. have PWK Accounting Group on one like; and 2. growing your wealth together below in smaller writing. 3. can you make the font for PWK the same as the font you have in the words 'Accounting Group
1. can you make PWK smaller and in line with 'Accounting Group. CAn you also incorporate 'Growing your wealth together' in the design.
so it reads as follows PWK ACCOUNTING GROUP GROWING YOUR WEALTH TOGETHER (but in smaller font than above)
2. Can you make PWK in Green colour Accounting in Grey colour and Group in Green colour 3. Growing your wealth together in Grey colour 4. can you use the same font for everything - same font as 'accounting group' in the above design
Are you able to: 1. make the grey in 'accounting' and 'growing your wealth together' a bit lighter. 2. make 'growing your wealth together' slightly smailler and to strech the same length as PWK Accounting Group, so both lines are the same.