I believe the concept of the dog tag is introduced by a different designer. WE are not allowed to copy other's concepts... but I will ask him if he wants to collaborate on a design.
I make real dog tags in my business so I am happy to print any design on a dog tag for your program!
thanks for the ranking - happy to try other options for you.
Ok we like both of these. No green go black on back ground. Take out the silver and make it black and the foot print blue. And any other designs on the dog tag?
I think this is what you are requesting.... drop shadows will make it pop - but you will need versions without that for some applications... we can offer both options.
Yes, Thanks carol. anyway you can bring that to the bottom to make it look like a reflection? go to http://www.myfitbodybootcamp.com and look at there logo. it has a reflection.
Awesome. Ok we love your images. Will we be able to get a few different layouts from you? Like #1 will work great if the background was Black then we can get it on shirts. And the others will work great for our advertising on websites, cards, etc,..
absolutely we offer multiple versions... and we also can provide quotes on any marketing materials you may need printed or imprinted with your new logo.
My primary business is promotional merchandise at businessbuilders.com
Ok, can you clean the chains up a bit? They look foggy or not clear. Also just want to make sure we can get multiple images from you. So different layouts like what you have shown.