Loving #23 & 19 out of these... You really understood what I said when I said Mirror/reflective. Can you add some color to these so I can see how that looks pls? thx
#19 can I see how the P looks like in black? I think that's what is not grabbing me 100%... LOVE how you did the mirroe refection on what you made to look like the floor =)
love #35 - how crisp it is. I see you added white in there, i think its a good contrast. i think if i had a design in a black box it might look weird, say on a business card. Love that you give soooo many options... can you please maybe make that 1st design I love more crisp, black letter, maybe throw more white in it? I see how you add the sparkle in one of the others as well. you do very nice work.
hi Thanks for your valuable comments. #35 can be done on a business card without the entire card in black, it will only depend on how the card itself is designed, and it need not be boxed in black, it can be elegantly put in a black background, having said that, you could avoid a Black Bacground as you desire.
Entry #61 Entry #62 with the same effect in terms of contrast and white thrown in - as for the sparkle let me know which one you like pointing to the entry # so i can incorporate it. Again thanks for your feedback and keep them coming, i am available for any number of changes as you may require.
hi =) loving what you're doing... Looks pretty in pink & although that's more me I'm trying to advertise to more than women. I'm playing w/ the idea of color tho. So 61 I think is my fav now. Can you put more of a sparkle in it like in 34? As for the black, I looooove black, I'm trying to picture how it would look on my website. Thats my next step. And I'm not sure what background I want so that's why i'm questioning so much.
revised Entry #116 Entry #117 Entry #118 Entry #119 - I guess you are entitled to a logo variations in both black and white background, and as such I have provided you with both options.
I love sharpness & definition along w/ that reflective/mirror thing you started first =) Can you possibly toss me a few in the same color scheme as that one w/ all these qualities?
Mare could you please add a tag line to your 1st place design? Along w/ that new script we discussed. There are 4 different ones to try, as I'm feeling them out & don't have one yet. *Saving the past for tomorrow *As you are *Make a statement without saying a word *Succulent Sophistication