Pure Imagination CharityLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pure Imagination Charity

Pure Imagination Charity has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 260 designs from 44 different designers from around the world.




Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Like the rainbow slide - that is definitely is imaginative and looks like fun for kids. But it looks like an adult on the slide. We would to see this look a little more child-like but keep is classy too.
Thanks for the submission!
15 years ago
REALLY like the concept A LOT. Here are some ideas / revisions we would like to see:

- Make it look like a rainbow coming from a shooting star (star needs to be bigger and more prominent)
- Lighten the colots in the rainbow - maybe use pastels?
- Try an image or outline of two children holding hands sliding down the slide.
- Remove some of the clouds, its a little busy.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback

as your requested #102 , #103 if there's anything else feel free to comments


Hestia Design
15 years ago
The new ones are GREAT! SO cute! Thanks!
15 years ago
Still really like this concept, but I think we need to simplify the design so that it is easy to print, etc. Use this same idea but make it simplier, more elegant. Can we try a few more designs?
15 years ago
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