ENTRY #145 is nice, but we can´t understand what the image is trying to say, it´s nice but difficult to conceptualize
ENTRY #148 and #147 We like your style so much, but maybe you can print on it all the creativity we can see you have but we think right now is biased by the examples we posted. Examples are ok, we like a lot those designs, but we are sure you can do something so much better.
We don´t like so much the logos with the little persons on it, but we like ENTRY #150, it´s nice but we don´t like the two leaves that are on the top (inside the orange part). We think there are a lot of leaves. Can you change the 2 leaves at the top for something different???, maybe a bird or any other plant?, or something you can propose ??? thanks
ENTRY #228 Please, just change the color of the sun, from orage to yellow. The line down the sun, please keep it as orange The rest of the logo, please keep it as it is.