Hi Agus, we have run the logo through some people to get feedback and we have the following:
- black cannot be used in florist business, too strong
- it has no visual connotation to flower, it looks like logo for law firm
- there is no softness
This is the best option from all. Dividing the into two colours works well. Can you try with small letters under the Flower sign a descriptor either "decor" or "florist crew". The colouring is still not there. Can you try something else. Bear in mind that it is focused on luxury market. Try to make it a bit traditional softer. Thanks!
Sorry we hve to remove the word decor from the name. There is a competition using the name Flower decor and these logos looks like flower decor. Can you please revise and use only PS FLOWER?
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- black cannot be used in florist business, too strong
- it has no visual connotation to flower, it looks like logo for law firm
- there is no softness
Can you revise and come with some colour options?