Thank you K! Your work is clean, crisp, fresh and professional and giving me an opportunity to formulate a few thoughts about elements I like:
1.) like the font in rankings
#1 &
#2 (entries #4, #41)
2.) Like SIGNWORKS emphasized (bigger) over Providential in
#2 ranking (entry #41)
3.) prefer to have logo element on left like # 1 ranking (entry #4)
4.) prefer to have logo element smaller in size proportioned like # 1 (entry #4) - not so small as to loose concept though
5.) prefer to have logo element brighter than current # 1 ranking (entry #4)
6.) prefer the logo in current ranking # 3 (entry #39) as it represents to me color gamut & color management and think that logo incorporated on the left of your entry # 41 (current ranking
#2) would potentially work. Want to promote idea of superior color management - high quality - yet can't have the logo reflect or look like LGBT pride or gay pride flag.
* Please prepare versions incorporating the logo in current ranking # 3 (entry #39) with and without the color bar under the word SIGNWORKS of your entry #41 and utilizing the first 5 elements "bullet-ed" above.
7.) Your logo in your entry # 41 (current ranking
#2) is clever incorporating the roll icon for roll stock and the letter "P" for providential. Please effect the following changes to entry # 41 (current rank 2):
* Move icon to the left
* reduce scale of logo
* Make the color in P more 3 dimensional - perhaps by using the triangle shading technique in logo in current ranking # 3 (entry #39)?? or color gamut model.
* Please prepare versions incorporating these requested modification of the logo in current ranking # 2 (entry #41) with and without the color bar under the word SIGNWORKS and utilizing the first 5 elements "bullet-ed" above.
Clear as mud right? Hope this is informational and instructional. Please contact me if you have any questions.
All the best -