I love your new designs. #30 and #32 are both very nice. I like the fixes you made based on the comments, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and execute :) That is very important!
One other comment I have on these new designs (#30 and #32) is that the blue seems a little out of place for the word LABEL. IT doesn't really go with the other font/graphic colors - can you try doing something different with that? Maybe you can make it like the word PRIDE, but have the little white parts in the top-left corners of PRIDE be on the bottom-right? That would be very interesting to see!
One thing I am asking all of the designers is: Can you try making a few original designs, completely from scratch? Just go wild! If this was YOUR company, and your project, how would you convey PRIDE? Pride in yourself, pride in who you are... I'm looking for someone to completely blow me away with the thought "This is better than I could have imagined." I think you are capable of this, so I look forward to seeing more from you :)