The PROUD text should be more prominent. Either on the same level as the icon, or perhaps even bigger.
I'm not crazy about the font or the colors. Let's use the colors of the American flag for this first example.
If you could somehow implement the man/flag into the text that would be great. I also think that the man/flag and the globe may be too much in one logo.
I like this one a lot better than your first! It is a lot more hip and active. I like your design of the O. Can you make it so that the flag is unfolded, and perhaps able to have country colors depicted on it? For example, could you make it an Italian flag with the colors?
Or, keep it all the same color, but make it like a gradient of Italian colors spanning the entire graphic?
I do like the Label text here, but it looks a little too cool, almost like it doesn't fit.
Thanks in advance for your good work, I look forward to seeing more! Lucas
One thing I am asking all of the designers is: Can you try making a few original designs, completely from scratch? Just go wild! If this was YOUR company, and your project, how would you convey PRIDE? Pride in yourself, pride in who you are... I'm looking for someone to completely blow me away with the thought "This is better than I could have imagined." I think you are capable of this, so I look forward to seeing more from you :)