Hello Night Owl! I love the fresh look of your designs! Thanks for submitting.
I like it in general, but when I first saw it it made me wonder what was going on in the O-U transition - any chance you could make that background black O be more centered behind the foreground O?
I like your implementation of the flags here.
I hope to see more submissions from you before this ends!
Thank you for your feedback it really helps us. Here are a few more entries. Let me know if you like the sun flare on them or if you prefer they not have it.
I'd prefer not to have the sun flare, or maybe make it less dominant? Of these designs, #104 is currently my favorite, but without the flare it looks a little too plain.
Can you make the blue background 'earth' like, and then have the foreground O the different flags superimosed onto the earth? That would be AWEsome!
I agree that just the solid O is missing it's punch a bit. I tried your suggestion and did a couple of takes on them. Please let me know if you would like the globe larger, as in the outer ring of the O on #95. Thank you.
I'll tone down some of the gradients. I don't know if you can see see the Logo Court icon at the top of the contest page, but every time I make a suggested change someone is claiming that it now looks like their idea. Though we can fight our case, it is easier to withdraw than risk losing and having "every" entry withdrawn and not being allowed in the contest. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll keep working on these, and change them up more, but please let me know if there is anything more you'd like to see. As long as there is nothing that resembles the other designers. At least I can still use the P, R, O, U, D and the word Label - lol
Here are a whole new set, hopefully no one claims them as a copy (unless someone now claims the US flag too - lol). Anyway, I toned down the gradients and even eliminated them all together on a few without getting too cartoony. Please let me know what you think.