Hey husk.. I still lean a little more towards the entry #3 .. not sure about the reflective logo or what it would associate with. I was wondering if you might be able to put together some additional specs, one perhaps that develops on the idea of #3. I like the simplicity of it, but not sure that just the leaf on the logo really encompasses enough of our ideology of the product. This logo is mainly going to be used on the labeling of the bottle for resale, so it needs to be something that can be recognizable from the shelf in a food, drug and mass type of environment.. let me know what you come up with! Thanks for the great ideas, keep it up!
The symbol here could be interpreted in a number of ways - I wanted it to be a phoenix - a bird rising from the ashes ... as a sufferer of acne might feel after using your product ... but it also looks like an angel or a tree.
I like where you're going with some of your ideas.. I was wondering if you could show us a few variations/ fonts/ colors, etc. and then maybe something a little different.. Great thought though. Thanks for taking some time to put into this.. btw.. is that picture of a phoenix used by anyone else that you're aware of in the same way or is it an original design?
Hi, will upload a few variations - the phoenix icon is my own creation, I am not aware of a similar design in your marketplace, but I am not familiar with similar products. There may be something similar out there, but I'm not aware of it.
So far.. we like what you've come up with on concepts.. is there anywhere I can look to see more of your portfolio of work. What I mean is, we like your sense of creation in the design work, but not sure what we have is exactly what we want.. Think you can help us to get there? Part of the reason for this and the inquiry is that we have quite a bit more work for you if selected.. if you're ok with that, that is.
Of course I would be happy to establish an ongoing relationship! - I am a full-time freelance graphic and photographic designer, my email is husk@me.com
By the way.. I think the most recent submission is interesting, but what is the image? A horse chestnut? Not sure what that might imply necessarily for the product, but it is interesting..
What I mean by my earlier comment is this, we're a startup company and need to have everything designed for everything from product packaging to business cards and sales collateral. Having a general idea on the logo will be helpful in creating a theme for the branding and help us to focus our design continuity.
Yes, I was thinking about things in nature, that emerge from something - a seed if you like. I wanted to avoid a cliche like butterfly - just trying different stuff :)