Hey Kaami~, I appreciate you providing so many submissions, but they pretty much revolve around the same concept of the mouse.
I don't really like this mouse icon idea (at least this shape/look). Another entry made a P and an S out of the buttons, and it was clever in that regard, plus I liked how it was more of an outline than a solid object.
You certainly have talent, but this mouse idea doesn't work for me.
As per my comments on another entry, I would probably prefer to remove the "Point. Click. Launch." tagline from the logo and focus more on our company name.
Also, I believe it would be best to stay away from gradients in the logo. I want the logo to be simple in colors so it can be duplicated on a embroidered shirt or baseball cap (that is hard to do when a logo uses a gradient).
i've posted my new designed logo.. there u'll find "p" & "s" combination in that logo... hope u'll like my new conceptual logo with different colors.... thanx,