Hey, thanks, I like the colors and the both bar graph idea and the cardiogram line. I like the logo being longer and not square. Suggestions: I really need this to display on a grey background as well as a white background. If we could avoid white and use an "off-white"? I like the font and the DASH in bold. Is there a way to make STUDIO brighter? And, could we make PRODASH and STUDIO (the words) a little bigger? I thing the graph out weighs the words, but I like the idea. Thanks
That is better, I like how the last bar on the graph lines up with the top of Pro and bottom of Studio. I like how the DASH stands out, but the Studio is still a little hard to read. Can you make it the same color as the PRO? Also, lets move PRODASH and STUDIO to the right just a TINY bit so that it does not look like it is touching the bar graph. Thanks
Can you make the PRO and STUDIO a little lighter? I want it to show on white and grey background, but it is a little too dark to show on grey. Needs more contrast. Thanks
I want to revisit this again and go back to #32 and try again. I like the orange best on #32. Can you make the PRODASH just a little bit bigger, make STUDIO bold. On #37, the STUDIO is just too long, too spread out. Make the white line and PRO and off white color (not white) on grey background. It is going to go on : http://db.tryoutdemo.com On the header, so it needs to show up on a grey background and on a white background. I like the orange better than the Gold\yellow color. Thanks
I should explain more.... It looks like the bar graph got smaller on #37? I really liked that (the bar graph), and I liked how the orange bar on the graph matched the DASH and STUDIO color on #32. On #37, it looks like the bar graph is not as tall? I like it bigger. Thanks