Prismatic BengalsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Prismatic Bengals Prismatic Bengals has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 87 designs from 23 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by BusinessBuilders Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. Withdrawn 3rd 1 Withdrawn 6th 1 Withdrawn New 5 Withdrawn Prefers others. 2 Comment Activity BusinessBuilders commented on #78 Withdrawn Pantone 1485 orange 8 years ago BusinessBuilders commented on #79 Withdrawn Pantone 152 orange 8 years ago BusinessBuilders commented on #29 Withdrawn thanks I am doing the change... if you have specific PMS colors you want to see - let me know. carol 8 years ago prismaticbengals commented on #29 Withdrawn Okay I switched you to rank 1- thank you 8 years ago BusinessBuilders commented on #29 Withdrawn if you switch me to rank 1 I can make edits. 8 years ago BusinessBuilders commented on #29 Withdrawn yes but probably not till tomorrow. sorry 8 years ago prismaticbengals commented on #29 Withdrawn Yes! Can you change the overall font to black and leave the outside color of the spot over the "i" as is but do a bit more warm/orange color to the inside of the spot color? 8 years ago BusinessBuilders commented on #9 Withdrawn sure... if you want specific colors let me know Pantone numbers to match. 8 years ago prismaticbengals commented on #9 Withdrawn Very nice! Any chance you could change the color on the inside of the spot to a warmer color... more golden? 8 years ago
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