I love the enthusiasm; hilarious, but not quite what I am looking for. The horse-chestnut is not recommended for horses let alone humans, but great color, creativity, and utilization of the fact that the product is alliterated (PP). Primal Packs looks good too. Aesthetically it is a nice piece.
In entry #6 I like some sort of half sun or have a sun shaped item in the backround. I think that a rising sun would be a nice touch to round the picture of the man and fruit; symbolically its the dawn of a new diet, a new take on life, and a new way to live. The fruit and nuts represent what I this product is all about. Try a few with a rising sun around the symbol and maybe one around the entire image.
I like that you've encapsulated the symbols with the circle in #19. I need some color, but the unrefined qualities you've brought in are much appreciated, but I still like the fonts from #6.
I like the ferocity of the smears, neat addition in #23, however they may be a little too big (reduces the size of the fruit and your little caveman and spears) maybe just one or two smears somewhere. In addition I would love for you to play with the design of the fruit and nuts, maybe add some jerky (if that looks good, not positive it will; jerky is a little too amorphous I feel) - to be honest not sure what I am asking for there, but I would like to see some different color schemes and different takes on the fruit / nuts idea. I'm not sure if you read the edited version of my comments above, but I'd like to see you incorporate a sun image coming up over open tundra or just a rising sun. I like the slogan, and the color of red (blood, looks like a beef jerky color, powerful, rugged) is great, all good. I moved it up the ranks!
When I saw entry #25 I said to myself "Oh hell yeah!" Great job on responding to my requests, really appreciate it! I'd like to see #25 with #23 fonts though just to check and again maybe with a little more green somewhere we are getting pretty red.
In entry #26, the sun may be a bit too large, I hate for you to have to change the name and slogan for contrast reasons alone, however, it has given me another idea, but it may be too much. If you have ever seen "The Karate Kid" from 1984 the Miyagi-Do Karate logo has a large sun with a bonsai tree silhouette could you maybe incorporate that with the bigger sun and maybe animals running away from his spear? This might be a dead end, but it was a thought, just brainstorming. That's all I have for now.
Thank you for thick quick revisions and thank you following me - you are really understanding where I am headed with this logo. However, we may have lost some important contrast and balance with the addition of the green berries/grapes. The logo looked much better with the red/purplish berries you used in #27.
I like #28 insofar that it uses the two different fonts very neat (although I like the slogan font in #24 if you could replicate that somehow), and the added greenery is a nice touch, although I see now we should abandon the "beef jerky" route unless you have a better idea; jerky is hard to work with as I mentioned earlier, but thank you for trying.
One additional critique: the fruits, greenery, and jerky has created an imbalance (the character is less pronounced) I still like the feel of #27 versus #28 in this respect. Could we try and put some rays off the sun for effect or have the sun light up the top of the "Primal Pack" font below? I think this would integrate the logo more. Play with that concept a bit, I believe it might entice buyers to look at the product when on the shelf.
A colleague of mine enjoys the large sun in #26; I tend to agree because everything looks bigger and the character has a "cave image" effect I hadn't noticed before. I like the fact that the sun rises over the fruit in #27 & #28 versus it serving as a background in #26. I feel this way because we lost color in the font in #26 due to contrast issues obviously, therefore, I would like to recover that quality somehow.
Should you be playing with #26 (any one of the other submissions really), maybe a primal skirt for the guy would be in order considering he is more visible.
Still enjoy your character in #27 and his action stance, but maybe with a skirt or spear tip as the only addition. Again, I would like to see some rays off the "rising sun" and/or the top of "primal packs" name lightened as if being lit up by the sun. I'm not sure if I like the increased size of the sun yet in #37, but it is a welcomed change.
Sorry, I'd missed those instructions - I don't get notified if you edit a post,only if you make a new one ... here goes ... have to a admit I haven't been able to follow which is your font preference for the name and slogan :)
The red to black fading effect used in entry #38 is exactly what I was looking for, and I like the fonts used in entries #27 and #37 for both the name of the product and the slogan, I hope that is a little more clear. I do not particularly like the addition of the skirt to the character, and prefer the original figure, but thank you for humoring me. I would prefer that the rays added to sun do not extend past the horizon line created by the fruit and nuts, and that being said, I also like the smaller version of the sun--not extending into the adjacent war paint lines.
On your crossed spear heads, I'd like to see some serration and a line through the middle of the spear head to achieve more dimension. I like the largeness of #38 (symbols and font), but again I don't want the sun extending into the adjacent war paint lines. Thats all I have for now, thanks for all the changes!
Good eye, you are right - I thought it a bit much myself once exhibited. The spears look good in #44, but a bit too long; I prefer #45 length. The new spear in #45 is an interesting addition. I would like to see a font size in between #44 and #45; one is too small and the other too large. Try a version with the new spear and without. Thanks for your hard work.
Entry #46 looks great. We are on the verge of becoming too complicated and there are definitely too many spears now in #47 after a little review. On this same token I am timid to ask for your ideas on "cave paintings" I love the ones in #43, however, the logo is not working as presented, therefore I submit to you: could you help me with this aspect? In the end this is about a Paleolithic Diet and nothing says paleolithic more than a cave painting.
Just an additional detail touch on #46. Usually on spears there is a wrap around the stick and the spear head - subtle, but I think it would look a bit better especially if enlarged for shirts, etc.
Added in some symbols, but as yet I am not sure of the placement - as you rightly point out its getting a bit crowded in there, I think it starts to detract from the fact that this is a logo rather than an illustration. I'll upload another in a second with how envision this could work ...
having done it, i prefer the man - for me the representation of cave drawings is represented well by the man, and the tribal smears of red, it seams to be over-egging the pudding to add in more.
I think you are right. I'm pretty sure we have run the course with this concept, great job. However, should you have additional ideas I would love to see them.
New font looks great. It is all about subtleties in the end. If you could change the est. 10,000 b.c. to 100,000 b.c. that would be great. Upon further investigation I found this date to be a little more on target.
Try without berries and nuts, but just like #46 and maybe one with a weathered or stoney background. I love your design and we have worked on it for a while.
Regarding #77 I concur, maybe instead of fruit some boulders or rocks. To improve #77, however, try the spears behind the sun, maybe increase the focus on the man a bit.