pps: I think i would like to tighten the kerning between the letters on the last half of the Prestava (tightening the tava part), but will wait to see if any of the new ones are ranked before doing the adjusting, rather than withdrawing and re-entering them before knowing. C
saw i went from 2nd to none preferred? Was there any adjustments you would care to see to anything? Just checking as i see the contest is coming to a close. thx C
note: if you are actually considering 181, I had just completed a slightly revised/cleaner version before posiiton shifted, so i didn't get a chance to upload before contest closed. If you would care to see it uploaded, you could temporarily put me in first, notify me by message, and I could upload at which point you could revise listings again. Just an option. Understand if you don't feel the need. thx C