Entry #11 love the look of the text. It feels modern and techy without being too cold and "futuristic". And the overall feel is nice. Very friendly and consumer facing. Great work! One thing though is I'm not feeling the look of the logo itself. Something about the 3 play buttons in a row like that makes it look like sails on a boat. And although I love the idea of using some sort of play button as the logo, I'm not against seeing something that doesn't involve that element. Thanks for your time!
Another entry for your consideration. I have focused on using friendly colours and simplifying overall. The design incorporates the initials PPD to create a video camera.
#12 - Love the creativity, but the video camera looks more like a film camera, which does not represent what we do. Is also feels a bit too feminine. we are looking for a more masculine feel. Thanks for all you hard work!
Entry #20 - Thanks for the submission. The logo is too complicated for us though. As we go through this we're realizing that even a simple triangle for the play button would look good. We are really trying to make this logo as simple as possible. In terms of simplicity, think of the apple logo. Thanks again!