#23 Ooh I like it! Perhaps have the red diagonal stripes stop before they reach the word "president" so that it looks a bit cleaner in the space below that word.
Hello-thanks for the great comment!!!Here are the changes you requested.I hope you like it!!! If there`s any other option you would like to see, please let me know. Thanks. Kind regards, Bob.
#27 I really like how the letters are full and "plump" with a strong gradient. Can you make the background circle and stars a little "faded"? I want the words to stand out more.
Hello, and thank you for your feedback. I changed the colors, like you suggested, so now you can see different options. Please let me know if these are what you had in mind. If you have any other idea, I'd love to hear it. Thank you. Best regards, Bob.
Hi, I tried to put white outline, but it doesn't work. Instead I made flag more transparent, so now it's more readable. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thanks. Best regards, Bob.
We need you to do one more concept for us. We want to see a concept with "PRESIDENT NATION" lettering in 3D like these stars, and also use stars in 3D just like this: http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-illustration-5534890-stars.php?st=943e4c2 We think this will solve the issue with all of our chosen logos getting deleted by Logotournment and allow us to finally select another winner. Please let me know when it's done so I can move you to the winning spot and you can upload your concepts and any variations you can bring to the table! Thank you very much!
#156 is awesome. I like #155 too. Can we see #155 reversed so the stars are blue and the letters are red? Also, can we please see what it would look like with longer 3D edges on the bottom of the lettering (to match the bottom of the stars)? Thanks!
Here are the changes you requested.I hope you like it! If there`s any other option you would like to see, please let me know. Thanks again! Kind regards, Bob.
Hi again. For another entry can we please see #108 style with the new 3d star style? And for yet another entry, can we see GRAY lettering with RED stars on the bottom and BLUE stars on the top?
I Like #169,#155, and #162. I also like the blue stars on #170. I like the stars on top the word not the bottom. Let's try some more options for where we can put the stripes. Also Here is a vision: flat lettering with a variety of "creative fonts". Border around logo = 3D, shaded outline, rounded edges, surrounding both the edges of the wording and the circular shape behind the wording with a large space in between the edge of the lettering and the edge of the outline. Fill this space with a black background.
The stars on top "come out" of the outline so it looks like they are moving past the borders of the logo. On the bottom, by Nation, let's see the bottom half of that circle with some stripes inside. Almost like the first logo #72 but instead of a star border, there are stars coming out of the top section and stripes on the bottom.
Also, try this concept with several other font varieties like fat (wide) letters that are rounded font color is white for "President".
oops! You forgot the most important part: to change the font! with a variety of "creative fonts". * flat lettering (not 3d or gradient) * white font * Also, try this concept with SEVERAL other font varieties like fat (wide) letters that are rounded Thanks!
Hi, here are new versions with different, "flat" font. I hope this is what you meant. If you have any specific font that you like, send me the link to it, so I can see exactly what you have in mind. Thanks. Bob.
#155, can we please see a revision with a "brighter" font. The lettering with the gray gradient looks a little dark and dingy. Can we make the words stand out a bit more? Maybe like you did with #69? Thanks!
#182 is good, but can we make it even more brighter? Perhaps fade to all white at the top. And also can I see a "gold" version too? We are getting very close, I appreciate all your hard work!
Hi again, please disregard that last suggestion about Gold. I pulled it into photoshop myself and that is the wrong way to go!
so, I played around with it a bit and uploaded it here https://logotournament.com/contest_attach?id=13033. Please try to reproduce this. I noticed part of the readability issues is because you have a shape behind the letters. I deleted part of it so you can see the rounded part on the "P". compare this attachement to #182, and look closely at the right side of the "P" to see what I mean. I'd like contour the shape of the background images to follow the shape of the letters.
I also used the dodge tool to brighten it up. It gave it a glimmering, sparkle effect on the highlights which I really like. I also changed the color of blue to a brighter shade, just slightly. If you can reproduce this, I think we'll have the winner!
OK, I uploaded version with the changes like you requested. Regarding the sparkle effects on highlights, they are possible in photoshop, where you make raster images. On the other hand, vector format and images do not have these kind of effects, so it is impossible to make scalable, vector image with these kind of sparkles you are talking about (you can easily add this effect later, in photoshop, if you want to have sparkles for certain occasions).
PS. I didn't understand that you were talking abut sparkles on font highlights. All the time I thought you were refering to the red 3D part of the logo. This is why I din't think it was possible. I will try out another option and will upload it in a few moments.
Awesome! And just for fun, can you just quickly do a version that has the Eagle from #152, but the stars and the wording from #190? So the stars and wording in #152 will be replaced by the 3D stars and wording from #190. Thanks!!!
Hi Thanks! Can I please see (I promise we're almost done!) Can I see the eagle #191 with no head, just wings and tail... but remove the stars on the "left" wing" so they're only stripes. THANK YOU!!!
Hi Thanks! Can I please see (I promise we're almost done!) Can I see the eagle #191 with no head, just wings and tail... but remove the stars on the "left" wing" so they're only stripes. THANK YOU!!!
Thank you so much for all your hard work! Can I please see 3 more revisions. 1st revision is #192 without the eagle tail. 2nd revision is #192 withouththe eagle tail and make the left wing a mirror image of the right wing. Then can we add a sparkle to the "P" top left corner? 3rd revision would be anything else you could think of that may possibly make this logo even better! That should do it! Thank you very much!!!!
The client wants to see #195 with blue striped wings and red stars. And one with solid blue, no stripes, blue wings with red stars. And can we add one more sparkle to the bottom left corner of the last "N" in "NatioN" Please and thank you!