1. The stripe in the middle with 'Pigskin Rep...' and image of football, grass and sky can be used as standalone 2. The Image with football, grass and sky can be used as a standalone. Ex. decorating webpages or as a small video icon in transition or on resultboards 3. The font is modern, heavy and slightly technical, indicating the result orientation. 4. The flag symbolizes the cheering and movement of the crowd.
As per request: 1. Dropped flag 2. "Pigskin Report" in dark grey 80%
I will see if can manage to make something with 'chrome' (red and/or blue), as well. The problem with those are that they might look strange in print or the effect alludes us totally, just leaving a gradient colour.
Hi, I'm back! ;-) A clean and shiny logo with all elements clearly visible on both light and dark backgrounds/surroundings. Easy to read and still enjoyable to wear on merchandise.
1. Entire design based on the colour scheme originating from the files you kindly supported us with. (The red and blue from KUSI NEWS) 2. A balanced shield with glass/metallic foil feel on PPR main shield, the PIGSKIN plaque as well as on the ball. 3. "KUSI NEWS on top if you like (Depending on space the ball can be replaced by this logo at the bottom)
N.B. All shades and shine in this kind of logos might not be reproduced exactly the same on printed material (CMYK colour space). That goes for all logos with gradients and shades! Just want you to be observant of this. This contribution is made for screen (RGB colour space).