Sí, seguro que puedo, por favor revise las revisiones a continuación para su consideración y déjeme saber qué piensa:
- #357 | #358 | #359 | #360 | #361 | #362 | #363 | #364
Como siempre no dude en preguntar si necesita algo más por favor.
At this moment I can't tyhink of someting that would improove this and some of the other designs you just uploaded.
It's 10pm up here.
I you can or want to do some more work, I would suggest leaving this track as it is (unless you come up with more ideas for it) and starting a new approach to work on.
Please if my writing in english is not allways correct, excuse it.
Submited some variations so you can considerate. Please check and let me know what do you think of them.
The logo can be flexible since you can also create a monogram with the "B" or "BP" initials" as you can see here #98, #93
Just a quick updates because in Portugal is late and i will sleep in few minutes, but i will be back again tomorrow and i can work on more changes if needed.
Comment Activity
Espero que estes bien.
Sí, te envié un e-mail. Por favor dígame si lo recibió.
Ya pasó algo de tiempo, he andado con con el proyecto de un industria y esto quedo pendiente.
Si tienes tiempo, me gustaría retomar el asunto.
Thank you for the feedback.
Yes sure, please check revisions bellow:
- #492 | #493
I´ve also re-submited #491 because was a little offcenter, but now it´s okay.
Anything else you may need feel confortable to ask.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Sure done already. Please check and let me know what do you think please.
As always feel free to ask if you need anything else please.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Gracias por tus comentarios.
Diseños sometidos para su revisión.
Se precisar de mais alguma coisa, sinta-se confortavel em pedir.
Saludos amables,
Gracias por tu calificación!
Sí, seguro que puedo, por favor revise las revisiones a continuación para su consideración y déjeme saber qué piensa:
- #357 | #358 | #359 | #360 | #361 | #362 | #363 | #364
Como siempre no dude en preguntar si necesita algo más por favor.
Saludos amables,
Thanks for the feedback on this design.
I´ve submited revisions for your appreciation. As always feel free to ask if you need anything else please.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
No usar "Ciudad de México"
Hope all is well with you today.
Very glad you like this concept.
I´ve submited a few more variations of the same concept, and a few new designs so you can compare.
As always if you need anything else feel confortable to ask please.
Your suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Me siento feliz que te haya gustado la visita. Bodega es un gran sitio para visitar. También fui a Santiago y me encantó.
Cuando fui al méxico estuve en la riviera maya es un paraíso, maravilloso, me encanta volver un día.
Thanks for the updates.
Your english is perfect. I will be at work at the agency during the day, but when i arrive home if i´ve better ideias i will submit do not worrie.
I appreciate all your great feedback as always.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Estuve hace unos años, visité bodega que fabrica Porto y cabalgué con un grupo desde Porto hasta Santiago de Compostela.
It's 10pm up here.
I you can or want to do some more work, I would suggest leaving this track as it is (unless you come up with more ideas for it) and starting a new approach to work on.
Please if my writing in english is not allways correct, excuse it.
Thanks for the updates on my logos.
Submited some variations so you can considerate. Please check and let me know what do you think of them.
The logo can be flexible since you can also create a monogram with the "B" or "BP" initials" as you can see here #98, #93
Just a quick updates because in Portugal is late and i will sleep in few minutes, but i will be back again tomorrow and i can work on more changes if needed.
As always feel free please.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
What if, Prendes 1892is a single sentence with the typography that you allready have on Prendes.
Greetings from Portugal! Hope all is well with you.
Have been in your country 2 ago, really love it.
Thanks for the feedback on my logos, please check my revisions and let me know what do you think of them.
If you need changes feel free to ask please.
Your feedback is always welcome.
Thank you.
Kindly regards,
The Bit drawing might just be longer than it should