Wow! My jaw dropped open . . . I am delighted. VERY NICE! You are very close to my ideal.
A couple of suggestions: the banner - Veni, Vidi, Veribles is latin for "I came, I saw, I sold". The order is important - "Veribles" must be last. Can you make a 2 swag banner and put "Veni, Vidi" on the left side and "Veribles" on the right side?
I want the crest to have a house image on it. Can you put an image of a greek temple front with 4 columns? That would be the same roof top line in 1st logo with 4 columns under it.
For the crown - can you look at the Winston cigarette pack crown (file attached) and do an image similar that is less spikey?
Lastly, the lions look scary and my clients will have children. Can the lions have big lion paws instead of dragon feet? More plume on the tail end and less curly monkey tail look? Bigger ruffs around their neck - more like the "Dunhill" cigarette ad (files attached).
You are awesome! Thank you.