Gonna end the contest picking this one. But can I also get the bold white font (as well as the different variations of blue that you created too) and then the symbol just all on it's own so I can use for social media
When I get home I’m gonna give these another look but pretty sure your design is the one I’m gonna go with. Love the different font options with bold and not bold and love the symbol next to it
So I like the bolder font but also the one that's not bold. If I do select you as the winner, could we have a few different variations of this logo? (ie: bold font, not bold font, all blue font, all white font, etc)
by the way, if you plan to end the contest early, you can do so by requesting a message to admin, but if theres some other variation you wish to see just let me know, im ready to do it ;)
Hi ppedj, the image is a PNG already as required in submission of entry, but if you mean as transparent logo itself, hmmm im not sure since we are not allowed to communnicate outside the site if the contest is not yet over like exchanging emails or PM to send files (site rules), but with your request for the P as stand alone, yeah absolutely i can send it to you :) once the contest is complete we can now give email of each other to send the other files and other help you need :)
Is there a way you could send a PNG to me to test this look on my website. And would it be possible to have just the P symbol alone as well so I could use this on social as a stand along symbol too?
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