All logos must have the tagline - #2 does not. I like #3 (though I don't think orange and gray make a great color combination), #7, and #8. Nothing in a box like #4 or #6. The superscript TM should be after Academy, not after Practice - see #7.
#3 - The TM should be after Academy, not Builder. I don't think the gray tag line will show up very well ... pick another color (red?). Use upper and lower case letters for the tag line, not larger and smaller caps.
#15 and #16 - See my comments on #3. The designs are just a little too busy. Only one star is necessary ... and maybe it should be a rising sun? Remove the innermost pattern from the circle. I really like the arched lines ... it suggest the road or path that PBA will take the participants on.
I am still liking #4 ... could you make the star more abstract. Am not sure about #11 and #17. On one hand, I like that just PB is inside the circle. On the other hand, PB stands me of Peanut Butter :-)
I am resending the comments I made yesterday - I am most interested in seeing #15 and #16 updated. THANKS!
#3 - The TM should be after Academy, not Builder. I don't think the gray tag line will show up very well ... pick another color (red?). Use upper and lower case letters for the tag line, not larger and smaller caps.
#15 and #16 - See my comments on #3. The designs are just a little too busy. Only one star is necessary ... and maybe it should be a rising sun? Remove the innermost pattern from the circle. I really like the arched lines ... it suggest the road or path that PBA will take the participants on.
The contest has ended, and I am looking at some final tweaks. Can you resubmit #91 without the horizontal lines above and below the tag line and use a dark green font for the tag line. THANKS.