#11 - Combined the "r" with a dice shape to create the "6". #13 - Combined the dice idea with a home plate shape in case you wanted to emphasize baseball more.
#13 The dots need to be two vertical rows of 3 dots. Could you try one where the point of the plate points right so the dots more easily can be vertical in the square part of home plate?
#44 Not quite. Stay with the dirt outline you started with, but complete the infield around the dice and add bases to the corners of the infield.. Hope this made sense.
#44 To help explain further. Just complete the other half of the brown square that you started with. Then add home plate at the bottom, and bases in the other three corners. Thanks. Looking really good.
#44 You are in serious position now. Try moving the font to the left of the diamond/dice. Give Power more emphasis and de-emphasize Software below it. Anxious o see this one. Thanks for all your effort. Hope we're not driving you crazy.
#95 Better. Now work on strengthening the font. It should be a narrower font. De-emphasize software and spread it as wide as whatever Power 6 ends up being. You may accomplish that simply by making Power 6 taller. Experiment with the OWER being shorter than the P and the 6. If you can polish up the diamond/dice icon (make it look more like a logo....if that makes sense), it would help. It's a good idea now, but seems like you can give it some more pop. Love where you're going with this. Thanks very much for all your effort so far.
The font looks great, I like #106 better, but diamond is not (not sure what to say) polished enough? Does that make sense? Remove that lighting effect you have on it now. Try a couple different ideas. Our board likes a different one, but I want to give you another shot to steal the top spot. Thank you for working so hard on this. Really appreciate the effort.
Hi. Sorry, but I didn't have enough time to get to this during the Top 5 phase. If you are still interested, please let me know and I can submit something during Judging. You would just need to adjust the rankings since only the first ranked designer can submit during that phase. Thanks.