I'd also like to have the design by itself without the words. All file types as well. Very excited to release the funds for you. Just want to make sure i get everything i need for the future.
I have read the FB Brand Resource Guidelines and the Twitter Verified Icon usage guide on their Help section just now. Both icons cannot be used together with other icons or logos. The IG heart is ok since it is a generic shape.
Are we allowed to use the twitter "verified" badge/ icon, the FB thumbs up, or the Instagram heart? They aren't technically logos. If yes, can we add all three to the confetti?
Can i also see some options using that exact phone image, but with the words above and below or to the left and right of the image? Maybe even words in a circle around it like a stamp? This logo is currently my top choice. Thanks!
please see #73. I made the "@" sign squarish to fit into the center of the hashtag symbol. #74 has the original "@" sign but i simplified the colors to make it less busy.
Darn, it looks so crowded in there. Its hard to stuff all those symbols into such a tight space. If you can come up with more iterations of this please submit them.
I like the new retweet symbol but wanted the retweet symbol swapped with the hashtag. The @ symbol can stay where it was. The @ symbol could be larger too now that I see it again. retweet symbol may need to decrease in size.
Looking good and in the top 3. Maybe switch the hashtag and retweet symbol locations. Make the hashtag larger please and make the gaps and arrows in the retweet symbol more pronounced.
Looks promising. Hmmm. Maybe get rid of the big square, enlarge everything else to where the @ symbol is not crowded, then use the colors from the deleted square on the remaining symbols?
I like the image portion with the @ symbol. What would it look like if you laid other symbols on top of it like # and @ in different colors? Maybe have all the symbols intertwined? Idk... just trying to think and visualize out loud.
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