#42 is a very cool idea except the colors look like baskin robins. Can you play with the colors a little? The tshirt is very visible that is good as well.
What if you added ".com" somewhere? Change the colors? Manipulate the tshirt?
This is something new that we haven't seen before in this contest. I like how the t-shirt acts as the tongue of the smile.
My only complaint is that it is hard to understand that the tongue is actually a t-shirt in these 3 designs. Can you play with the "t-shirt" and make it more readable as a t-shirt?
I prefer #86, when the smile is in the word. But i also like #85 when the tongue/tshirt is separate from the smile. It is easy to tell that its a t-shirt this way. #84, the tongue/tshirt is part of the smile and i can't tell what's going on.
I would play with the 3 designs i mentioned above, and #91. Maybe different colors? See what you can do. We really like these.