Polystar PlasticsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Polystar Plastics Polystar Plastics has selected their winning logo design. For $450 they received 440 designs from 70 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by aistheRoom Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 7th #155 Withdrawn New #398 Withdrawn New #156 Withdrawn New #205 Withdrawn Prefers others. #396 Withdrawn Prefers others. #215 Withdrawn Prefers others. #126 Withdrawn Prefers others. #120 Discussion Such Client Hi, really interesting design on No 120.Can you please resubmit with the logo to the left of the company name. and can you change the font similar to your entry 126. Also, if you have any different variations of your logo design please submit these also.Thanks!! 13 years ago aistheRoom Logo Designer Hi, thank for the response... i'll submit the revision and other variation. 13 years ago